June Wave: Andrew Holmes

Andrew Holmes new webAndrew has been teaching the 5 Rhythms for  twenty-five years. He studied extensively with Gabrielle Roth, and runs workshops in many countries. He lives in Somerset with his partner Sharon.
“The depth and simplicity of your teaching is stunning”


This open wave is for all, whether or not you are joining the weekend workshop.

If you are joining the weekend workshop and want to join this Friday wave, you MUST also register for it here - if you are dancing the weekend wave with Andrew, please use the coupon code dancingbody2023  when registering for the Friday - it will give you a £5 discount.

(If the evening has become fully registered, do sign up to the Waiting List. Sometimes a registrant will inform us in advance that they can't attend, and we are able to re-allocate the space.)

Dates, Details & Booking

Event Date Friday June 16th
Cut off date Friday June 16th
Capacity 36
Registered 32 [View List]
Available places 4
Individual Price £15
Teacher Andrew Holmes
Times 7 - 9.30 pm
Location Askham Village Hall

Venue Information - Askham Village Hall

The hall is large and recently refurbished, with a sprung floor. There is a small hall for meetings and a kitchen equipped for catering.  There is disabled access from the car park and an accessible toilet. 

Next to the hall is a heated open-air swimming pool, open in the summer, set in half an acre of grass. There is a car park with space for 50 cars.

 Askham hall2a

Here is a link to further local information.




There are plenty of accommodation options nearby, including camping, locations for campervans, B&Bs and two hostels in nearby Penrith. You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with general queries.

Here are some examples:

Online registration has now ended: email [email protected] re lastminute booking

NUM First Name Last Name
1 Andrew Davies
2 Anne Helm
3 Chris Langham
4 Elaine Hargreaves
5 Elif Kendirli
6 Fiona Johnson
7 Fiona Fawkes
8 Fred Worsley
9 Freya Kennedy
10 Garet Cousins
11 Helen Davies
12 Helen Whitehead
13 Helen Kirk
14 Holly Capstick
15 James Benson
16 Janice Brydon
17 Jayne Johnson
18 Jenny Jacobsen
19 Joy Lake
20 Julian Godfrey
21 Lesley Graham
22 lulu Guinness
23 Mary Cosgrove
24 Neil Howell
25 Pamela Bonnick
26 Paul sharpe
27 Rachel Kurtz
28 Robin Duckett
29 Sarah Smith
30 Susi Seward
31 Tracy Metcalfe
32 Trudy Purkiss
No registration records found