WaveDance Cumbria

5Rhythms® in Cumbria - evenings and workshops through the year

Wave, with Rachel Kurtz & the Live Rhythms Band

Rachel with members of the original N.E. LIVE RHYTHMS band! 

 with Catherine Reding, Keith Mills, and ...

With live music the dance grows from the connection between the movers and the musicians weaving between leading and following, listening and guiding to create a unique and magical experience.

Cath and Keith have been musical collaborators for many years, having worked with Rachel on the Earth, Sea, Sky residential in Northumberland. This will be the first time they have played together since 2014.


Cath R1Keith Mills

Dates, Details & Booking

Event Date Fri Sep 20, 2019
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 1 [View List]
Individual Price £15
Teacher Rachel Kurtz
Times 7 - 9.30pm
Location Bassenthwaite Village Hall

Online registration has now ended: email re lastminute booking

NUM First Name Last Name
1 Andrew Davies