WaveDance Cumbria

5Rhythms® through the year

'This Dancing Body', with Andrew Holmes


physical, grounded and juicy This body ~ often taken for granted, sometimes ill or in pain, always
We feed it, rest it, keep it warm
Wish it other than it is
And then attend to higher things..

But then again.. this body ~ home, a miracle of design
The creative instrument through which our dance takes form
A crucible of life and breath
A begging bowl for Spirit..


This is a weekend to more consciously inhabit our physical form
To breathe, and move, and feel
To celebrate the physical, and fill it luxuriantly with ourselves
To find acceptance and then revelation in our flesh and bones
And attend with honour to this body that loves to dance.


Andrew Holmes new webAndrew has been teaching the 5 Rhythms for  twenty-five years. He studied extensively with Gabrielle Roth, and runs workshops in many countries. He lives in Somerset with his partner Sharon.
“The depth and simplicity of your teaching is stunning”

A glass of water, or the river itself?

Andrew Holmes reflects on the power, depth and freedom of dancing for more than 'two hours on a Friday night ' -- 
click to read on our website ...



If you are also going to dance on the Friday evening, you must ALSO register for this separately - ideally the moment after you finish registering for the weekend. If you are also registering to dance the Friday 16th Wave with Andrew, please use the coupon code dancingbody2023 when you register - it will give you a £5 discount.


Dates, Details & Booking

Event Date Saturday June 17th
Event End Date Sunday June 18th
Cut off date Friday June 16th
Capacity 36
Registered 23 [View List]
Available places 13
Individual Price £125
Teacher Andrew Holmes
Times 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat, 5pm Sun
Location Askham Village Hall
Download Leaflet This Dancing Body - Cumbria.pdf

Venue Information - Askham Village Hall

The hall is large and recently refurbished, with a sprung floor. There is a small hall for meetings and a kitchen equipped for catering.  There is disabled access from the car park and an accessible toilet. 

Next to the hall is a heated open-air swimming pool, open in the summer, set in half an acre of grass. There is a car park with space for 50 cars.

 Askham hall2a

Here is a link to further local information.



There are plenty of accommodation options nearby, including camping, locations for campervans, B&Bs and two hostels in nearby Penrith. You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with general queries.

Here are some examples:

Online registration has now ended: email [email protected] re lastminute booking

NUM First Name Last Name I'll be attending Friday and also the weekend date
1 Ania Gut-Gofron yes
2 Fiona Johnson yes
3 Fred Worsley yes
4 Freya Kennedy yes
5 Garet Cousins yes
6 Hans Leonhard Schmid no
7 Heide-Marie Schmid-Borgschulte yes
8 Helen Whitehead yes
9 Helen Brand no
10 Helen Davies yes
11 Izabela Park no
12 Janice Brydon yes
13 Jayne Johnson yes
14 Jenny Jacobsen yes
15 Joy Lake no
16 Kate Lee no
17 Katy Limmer
18 Lulu Guinness yes
19 Neil Howell yes
20 Robin Duckett yes
21 ruth rowles no
22 Siobhan Lawson no
23 tim melling no
No registration records found

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