Being a novice to Five Rhythms, I am still very much learning. About a year ago I began to feel at a body level the want to connect to movement and dance. This led me to seek out a group that would faciliate that. Almost falling into my lap I came across the Wavedance Five Rhythms group who meet regularly. And located virtually on my doorstep!
I'd say it took about 6 months to get into it. My mind often questioning what my body was doing dragging me along. Then one evening session on the theme of grounding, it clicked. Breathing, connecting, body, grounding. What a relief!
I find my experiences with different visiting teachers and their styles beneficial. With a chattering mind that likes to predict and anticipate (not always positive or welcoming) what's next, it was helpful for me to shed some of that in a recent workshop. The theme and style felt organic and fluid, with the flows not verbally stated or set about systematically, as each rhythm eased into the next. And not always a set pattern of when we would be invited to dance with others, as a group, or alone. I was able to move to whatever called my attention in that moment. A supportive process and a relief to experience moments of letting go of the head, be in the body. And to literally "go with the flow."
WaveDance Cumbria
5Rhythms® through the year